Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Normal service is resumed...sort of...

This was my view from 12-15th June 2013:

And this was my view from 16th-22nd June 2013:

So you can understand why there has been a lack of activity on the blog for a while.

I can honestly say there is nothing quite like the feeling I get from being involved in theatre. The production was thrilling to watch, and I am really proud of the six months of hard slog that went into making it happen. 

This was followed by a week of hard core relaxing. Quality time with my husband, balance is now restored.

I have a lot more free time on my hands, and I'm already filling these with plans. More on this to follow over the coming weeks...

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Anything Goes 12-15 June 2013

Time for some blatant self-promotion. Today our crew moved into the New Wimbledon Theatre to take residence for our production of Anything Goes!

Tomorrow night we'll be on stage for the first time, working through the technical run. This basically involves running checks on every shift in the show from scene to scene, be that the lighting, set change or major costume change. It's also the first time the cast will really see what the space that they are working with is like.

On Tuesday, we will be on stage in full costume, with our full 16-piece orchestra, and a full run. This is it. No turning back.

On Wednesday through to Saturday we'll play six performances to paying audiences.

There really is nothing like the thrill of a show, Even though for this production I'll be watching from the front, I'll have my heart in my mouth all week watching the fruits of my labour (and the whole cast). It's been a fantastic show to choreograph and I can't wait to see it all come together. I'm so proud of the creative team and the company.

Tickets are still available from http://www.atgtickets.com/shows/anything-goes/new-wimbledon-theatre/ - I strongly encourage you to come along!

Self-plug over ;)